June 29 2011
FDA SOMATIC-CELL LIMIT to stay at 750,000, based on action taken at National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments. Delegates voted down three-year reduction to 400,000 by a vote of 26 to 25. Issue may...
June 29 2011
ANTIBIOTICS IN ANIMAL FEED QUESTIONED by lawsuit filed in Manhattan's U.S. District Court. Case alleges that the Food and Drug Administration violated federal law by failing to withdraw approval for tetracyclines...
June 6 2011
Western herds' net income ranged from $89 to $252 per head last year, reports Moore, Stephens, Wurth, Frazer, and Torbet, Certified Public Accountants and Consultants. That compares to $585 to $962 losses...
June 2 2011
Handy Hint: June 2011 No longer need to remove skid loader attachment On our farm, we welded a few pieces of steel pipe to our feed scraper. This way we can push up feed and then later move bales without...
May 23 2011
An anniversary only comes around once a year, and Hoard's Dairyman has celebrated plenty of them! This year marks the 126th anniversary of the publication. After great fanfare with our 125th anniversary...
May 16 2011
Will the 2012 Farm Bill actually be written and passed in 2012? What will it look like? That was the focus of the discussion at the opening session of the National Dairy Producers Conference in Omaha,...
May 13 2011
Handy Hint: May 25, 2011 Agitator dock saves money At the Gibson farm in Walton, Ky., the high cost of a floating dock for a manure lagoon agitator was daunting. So, a homemade version was made using 50-gallon...
May 12 2011
Milk production for 2012 is forecast to climb as the decline in milk cows is expected to be offset by growth in milk per cow, according to USDA's World Supply and Demand Estimates released yesterday. Although...
April 27 2011
Handy Hint: May 10, 2011 Calf protocol in ATV To remind calf feeders of strict protocols at Newalta Dairy in Pipestone, Minn., a square piece of dry erase board was fastened to the cage of the ATV which...
April 25 2011
Five classes of dairy cows are featured on the covers of our January through March 10 issues, representing five of the dairy breeds. Click the cover image to see the official placing for the class, the...
April 25 2011
I place this great class of Jersey cows that show tremendous dairyness and breed character, C D A B. I find C excels D in length of neck and width of her chest. She is a much longer and more balanced cow...
April 25 2011
I place this class of Milking Shorthorn cows C D B A. C puts it all together. She is deeper in the heart and more open in her fore and rear rib than D. In addition, C has that nice snug fore udder and...
April 25 2011
I place this class of Holstein cows C B A D. C sorts to the top of the class with her overall advantage in dairy character, straightness of lines and correctness of mammary system. C uses her advantage...
April 25 2011
2011 Cow Judging Contest Placings Click to download the two page pdf in the publication To see the photos of the cows and the reasons on our website, click here
April 25 2011
I placed this outstanding group of Guernsey cows C D B A. C moves to the top of this class with her winning combination of angularity, strength, and soundness of udder attachments. In my top pair, C places...
April 25 2011
I place this class of Brown Swiss cows B A C D. I found a handy winner in B as she exhibits so much style and balance. B places over A for her tremendous advantage in her mammary system, being higher and...
April 14 2011
At almost the 11th hour, a budget compromise last Friday averted a threatened shutdown of federal government functions. Even though the shutdown was averted, it had some impact. For example, the first...
April 13 2011
Handy Hint: April 25, 2011 Pipeline notes status of cow Flowerbrook Farm in Hamburg, Minn., has created a way to mark cows in their tie stall barn that need extra attention or should not be milked. After...
March 31 2011
Handy Hint: April 10, 2011 Plywood, nails, and tags track calves We found it difficult to tell employees which calves to feed, what type of milk, and how many times a day to feed each calf. Our solution...